
Miss Wyoming Pageant...June 27-30

I flew on Big Sky Airlines, the official airline sponsor of my year of servant leadership, to Sheridan Wyoming for my first appearance as Miss Montana. I was able to spend the week as a guest at the Miss Wyoming competition. I was greeted at the airport by my host mom Shirley who drove me to her beautiful home outside of Sheridan. I could immediately tell that I was going to love my stay with her. The area was beautiful, Shirley was so sweet and like a second mother, and she had coffee ready and waiting! It was going to be a wonderful week!
The Wyoming contestants were all amazing. There were four girls competing, and each of them was an extremely talented and accomplished young lady. I had such a wonderful week getting to know each of them. I was able to perform my talent during their competition, and was also included in their “showgirls” production number. Their theme for the competition was “Viva Las Vegas” so in the production number we all wore big feathered head dresses and sparkling costumes! It was a lot of fun and I had a blast with it!
The competition culminated with Jenileigh Sawatzke crowning Jennifer McCafferty as her successor and Miss Wyoming 2007. I was so excited for Jennifer. She is a very talented vocalist and an exceptionally kind person who will proudly represent Wyoming.

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