
Ride for Hope ... July 28

After my duties at the fair were completed I hurried over to the highway department to participate in my second parade of the week. However, this parade was of a different nature! In this parade I rode on the back of a Harley Davidson!
The Ride for Hope is an annual event to raise money for the Montana Hope Project. Motorcyclists from all over the state raise money to benefit the Hope Project. They then have a rally at a different location every year. This year it happened to be in Lewistown.
After the parde everyone met at the Yogo Inn for the banquet. I gave a short speech on how I would be acting as the spokesperson for the Hope Project throughout this year. I then got to help out with the silent auction, which raised even more funds to grant wishes to Montana children.
Being at the Ride for Hope made me even more excited about the Hope Project. It was so amazing seeing these leather clad volunteers with hearts of gold who jump at the chance to make dreams come true for children.

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