
Girls Rock! August 4th

On Saturday I was in Columbus where I was given the opportunity to be at the Girlz Rock event. I had such a great time there! I am still a little shaky about public speaking, but I can feel it getting easier with each event that I attend. Plus the positive attitudes of the girls and volunteers in attendance helped to quiet my nerves!
After I was done speaking I got to watch the fashion show put on by the young ladies of Columbus and the Stillwater area. There were some adorable outfits! But really the smiles and fun that the models were having outshined what they were wearing.
Mrs. Montana, was also a speaker at Girlz Rock. I got the chance to get to know her a little better. It was lots of fun getting to visit with Leah. After the event we signed autographs and took pictures with the girls. It was a blast!
I not only had a lot of fun, but was also very encouraged to see so many girls attending such a great event.

Girls truly rock!

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